From My Experience Spiritual Growth and Development

Warrior Woman

Some days, especially lately, it weighs on my heart just how important it is to be a woman that shapes her actions around being a force for good. I think a lot about my roles as friend, sister, daughter, wife, mother, and even youth small group leader and the zones of influence my actions have in each of these areas of my life.

I have always loved the saying, “Be the type of woman that when her feet hit the floor in the morning the devil says ‘oh, crap! She’s awake!’,” because I feel it illustrates the truth that from the minute I wake to the minute I fall asleep I am representing my faith in God- if only I was better at representing Him well!!

  • As a friend I am in a position to reach out to, encourage, and support my friends so that they can walk confidently and pursue their passions knowing they have someone to lean on.
  • As an older sister I am in the (sometimes stressful) position of being the go-to when my siblings are struggling with new phases of life. While I never have all the answers and often doubt if I have even given good advice, I can do my best to uplift them and steer them towards Godly guidance and wisdom. I also love that I can count on my siblings to hold me accountable for my actions- we have developed a tell-it-like-it-is kind of relationship and I cherish that!
  • As a daughter and daughter-in-law I try to find ways to help out or be mindful of the needs and feelings of my parents. I like to think I am more appreciative now as a young parent than I ever was before, but I have been blessed by parents and in-laws who make it easy to love & care for them. These are the role models that shaped my household and how I conduct myself as a parent in partnership with my husband- I try to remember to hold down my stubborn nature and accept the wisdom and experience they have to offer me, even though I tend to be set in my decisions. These are also the primary people I count on to watch my babies when I am working- a true display of just how highly I regard them and trust them with my kiddos!
  • Perhaps most importantly, as a wife I need to be convicted of these areas where I ought to actively choose life-pouring, love-giving, actions when interacting with my hubby. I fail at this- unfortunately quite often. He deserves much more encouragement and support and much less nagging & bitterness, but I am a constant work in progress and I hope that as I continue to grow in myself, I will come through as a better wife for my husband.
  • As a mom, I have noticed my oldest beginning to mirror my less-than-desirable behaviors. She crosses her arms and huffs. She groans ‘ughhh!!’ if something is not going well for her. She returns sayings such as ‘I told you no!’ and ‘Listen!’ to use against me when we are arguing over whatever it is she is doing as a typical toddler. These things weigh hard on me because she wouldn’t repeat something so well that she wasn’t seeing a lot, and that means I am spending way too much time losing my cool and reprimanding her rather than breathing life into her day and instructing her on how to act appropriately BEFORE I get upset. It’s hard to see your failures tossed back at you so blatantly- but they challenge me to be a better mom; for this I am grateful.
  • As a small group leader and member of our church this is perhaps the most cookie-cutter way in which I can demonstrate a warrior woman life. With my actions, my words, my prayers, and my time I can be a source of love, genuine interest, wisdom, and grace for the people I have the privilege to work with! My favorite thing is getting to watch the youth group students getting fired up and talking passionately about God’s word or how God is working in their lives! These are the people who will be directly shaping the world my girls will grow up in and who will walk just before my kids into the classrooms, workforce, and society.

In each of these areas I hope I can grow into a better role model and a better version of myself. If I could reach a point where my every move brought glory to God and dealt one more blow to Satan’s plans, well that would be perfection. I know this is not going to be possible- I am only human! But, I can be mindful of the things I do and say, the thoughts I allow to linger in my head, the content I pour into my mind, and the people I spend my time with. I can look for opportunities to not only mirror God’s love, but pour it out by proactively seeking the needs of others. I can help myself stay on track by doing a better job of reading my bible and striving to understand what it is God needs me to do.

“If I could reach a point where my every move brought glory to God… well that would be perfection.

I have one chance at this life thing. I can’t do it perfectly- but I can give it my best shot!!

I am forgiven. I am loved. I am created for greatness. I am cherished. I am capable of moving mountains.

I am warrior woman.

Are you?

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