COVID CHRISTMAS: Struggling to Rejoice in Our Weary World

The past few weeks have certainly brought my heart into a state of weariness. After months and months of being in the world of COVID-19 the virus snuck its way into our home, and so has a whole series of other mounting hardships. For those who don’t know, our household has experienced some major changes …

belief bible book business

Coming Home- Wonderings about our soul’s eventual return home

They say many good and rejuvenating experiences are “just like coming home.” But why do we say this? What is it about returning to the places we feel at home that bring us such peace and relief? -Is it the familiarity? The freedom from outside responsibilities? The fact that we have an opportunity to rest? …

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The trouble with being a ‘Martha-mom’: a lesson in learning how to prioritize my faith

Well. It hit me like a ton of bricks today, but here it is. I am a ‘Martha-mom’. And it is going to have to change. Yesterday in the Young Marrieds Sunday School Class my husband and I are a part of we were discussing as a group the importance of prioritizing time with God …

Like A Tree by the Water: having faith in the unknowns

 Many do not know that my husband and I are currently in the middle of watching our sweet 10-month-old daughter undergo testing to help solve a problem of repeated seizure episodes. A few months ago we noticed her tossing her head forward rather violently in repeated motions: toss, recover, life as normal for a few …