
30 Day Better Toddler Mom Challenge


Some days with toddlers are nothing but frustration and a heaping helping of mom-guilt. Often I have sat down and breathed a heavy sigh of relief the moment my kids are in bed and then began reflecting on all the ways I failed that day at being a great toddler mom. I may not be able to change my past mistakes, but I can be intentional about fostering as many good moments as there were bad. I can be intentional about showing my kids they are loved and wanted and important. But what might that look like to a toddler who doesn’t process those concepts of love, importance, and want through conversations? How can you convey your feelings as their mom so they understand how much they mean to you?

Introducing… the 30 day Better Toddler Mom Challenge

Make a commitment right now to follow through on these things to create positive memories with your kiddo. Do it. Right now. Close your eyes and speak it to yourself, “I accept the 30 day better toddler mom challenge. I will not give up on the chance to bond with my child.”

#BetterToddlerMomChallenge Begin each new day with the intent to make it a good day.
Focus on one challenge each day for 30 days. Each day is something new to incorporate! #BetterToddlerMomChallenge

Here’s what to do…

  1. Make sure to give your child(ren) 3 random extra hugs ‘just because’
  2. Choose a messy craft and enjoy it! Don’t let the cleanup stop you!
  3. Seek at least 3 opportunities to apologize and do it properly. Every. Time.
  4. Find at least 3 things to praise your child(ren) for
  5. Have a dance party!
  6. Go 2 full hours without technology *gasp!*
  7. Teach your kiddo(s) a new skill
  8. Tell your child(ren) 4 things you like about them. Choose one physical characteristic and 3 personality traits
  9. Ask them to tell you the funniest joke ever, and LAUGH even if it was not funny at all.
  10. Do a photoshoot where you both get to be the photographer
  11. Teach them how to participate in a new chore
  12. Tell them you love them 5 times at random
  13. Build a fort and play in it
  14. Find 3 opportunities to specifically say you are proud of them
  15. Pretend you are characters in their favorite movie/tv show
  16. Read an extra book at bedtime
  17. Choose one thing you have noticed another mom doing well and do that thing on purpose today
  18. Teach them a new outdoor activity: hopscotch, rock collecting, jumping in leaf piles, etc.!
  19. Bake or buy a special treat and enjoy it together
  20. Boycott the word “no” and replace it with “make a better choice”, or “I’m sorry we can’t do that right now. Maybe later.”
  21. Start a band! Sidenote- pots and pans make amazing drums and empty bottles are great trumpets!
  22. Leave your phone untouched for the entire morning
  23. Take a walk outside
  24. Over-emphasize your appreciation every time they do something kind or helpful today
  25. Let your kiddo(s) help make lunch
  26. Go the entire day without yelling! Guide and discipline but without raising your voice
  27. Tell them you care about them
  28. Ask them what they want to be when they grow up and remind them they can do anything
  29. End the day on a good note
  30. Prep a meal for daddy together

Get your family and friends in on the fun! Share the sweet memories and don’t forget #BetterToddlerMomChallenge!

Involve your kids in the things you do and praise them when they cooperate and participate well! #BetterToddlerMomChallenge
Teach them new skills, let them help, allow them to do the things you do with you. #BetterToddlerMomChallenge

Now keep doing these things until they become second nature. Compliment them. Play with them. Appreciate them. Acknowledge them. Most importantly, prioritize them even if its only for a short window of your busy day. You were a great mother before, but you are an even better one now!

How did it go?

Be sure to take a moment to reflect back on the last month. Do you think you were successful in these tasks? Did the experiences make you feel like a better, more involved parent?

I truly believe our babies will likely not recall every time we yelled or punished, but they will remember that time with mom was where they learned they were valuable and creative. They will remember you as being part of their most joyful memories if you make yourself part of their fun memory making. Watch your toddler(s) blossom when you feed their spirits and teach them to identify the things about them that are beautiful, special, and helpful.

Share your experiences!!

Let us know how your month went. What went really well? Did anything he feel awkward? What did you learn about your baby you maybe never noticed before? Perhaps even what did you learn about yourself? Thanks for taking the 30 day Better Toddler Mom Challenge! You rock!


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