Read the latest update on Abigails continued journey towards complete seizure control! Learn how best to pray for her as she moves into the next phases.

Read the latest update on Abigails continued journey towards complete seizure control! Learn how best to pray for her as she moves into the next phases.
Need a quick and easy activity for that creative kiddo in your life?! Try this Bath Paint that won’t stain your tub and grout!
Infantile spasms: jackknife seizures: head tossing: baby epilepsy. Read the story of a young girl diagnosed with infantile spasms and the most recent updates!
Ever feel like you’re just failing at getting it right as a mom? Ending your days with your toddlers feeling like you could have been or done things differently? Here’s a practical way to focus on being a Better Toddler Mom to your child. Take the 30 day #BetterToddlerMomChallenge!
Overall, kids endure a range of emotions and experiences, many of which are overwhelming and hard to process. One great thing I have come to recognize the benefit of using for my kids is a Chalk Sensory Walk! Being 7 months pregnant with our third child and keeping up with my three-year-old and two-year-old is …
I love my kids with everything, but sometimes all I can see is the everyday struggles and I forget just how precious they are. That’s why I love when people remind me- they truly are the sweetest kids!