Need a quick and easy activity for that creative kiddo in your life?! Try this Bath Paint that won’t stain your tub and grout!

Need a quick and easy activity for that creative kiddo in your life?! Try this Bath Paint that won’t stain your tub and grout!
Check out this third-time mom’s list of what you really need for your big Labor and Delivery stay!
I love my kids with everything, but sometimes all I can see is the everyday struggles and I forget just how precious they are. That’s why I love when people remind me- they truly are the sweetest kids!
Many do not know that my husband and I are currently in the middle of watching our sweet 10-month-old daughter undergo testing to help solve a problem of repeated seizure episodes. A few months ago we noticed her tossing her head forward rather violently in repeated motions: toss, recover, life as normal for a few …