Read the latest update on Abigails continued journey towards complete seizure control! Learn how best to pray for her as she moves into the next phases.
The Best No-Stain DIY Bath Paint
Need a quick and easy activity for that creative kiddo in your life?! Try this Bath Paint that won’t stain your tub and grout!
6 Basic Tips to Overcome the Overwhelm of Parenting
Parenting can be totally overwhelming and frustrating, especially if you can’t find ways to cope when things get tough. Here’s a 3-time-mom’s tips and advice on overcoming the parenting overwhelm!
Abigail Seizures Update
The latest update on Abigail’s epilepsy story and her journey through finding a cause for her seizures! Infantile Spasms & Focal Cortical Dysplasia.
“I’m Sorry”: Teaching Kids the Value of True Forgiveness & Repentance
Forgiveness is one of the essential life skills I hope to model and teach my kids’ about. It is an exercise in practicing and experiencing God’s love! Read why the empty words “I’m sorry” are sometimes not enough.
The trouble with being a ‘Martha-mom’: a lesson in learning how to prioritize my faith
Well. It hit me like a ton of bricks today, but here it is. I am a ‘Martha-mom’. And it is going to have to change. Yesterday in the Young Marrieds Sunday School Class my husband and I are a part of we were discussing as a group the importance of prioritizing time with God …